Make a Gift
Your tax-deductible donation makes a difference
Every donation, no matter the size, helps us continue our vital work in hunger relief, climate action, and community building. Together, we can build a stronger, healthier, and more sustainable New Hampshire.
Kearsarge Food Hub is a federally registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Tax ID # 47-3909093.
All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Put your dollars to work in your community. Make a tax-deductible gift to the Kearsarge Food Hub today!
One-Time Gifts
Make a one-time gift in any amount to support the work we are doing in the community.
Recurring Gifts
Set it and forget it! Set up a recurring gift through our Grow With Us monthly giving program.
Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate sponsorship is a great way for your company give back to your local community.
You can make your gift by mail or through our convenient and secure online donation center.
Give by Mail
To donate by check or fund, make checks payable to the Kearsarge Food Hub and send to:
Kearsarge Food Hub
11 West Main Street
Bradford, New Hampshire 03221
Give Online
KFH uses the Network for Good online platform to provide you with an easy and secure way to give online
“I am inspired to give because I know every dollar I give to Kearsarge Food Hub has a strong return on investment—and it’s not only the Food Network that strengthens, but also the depth of our community bonds. It’s a deeply valued resource that I want to continue to grow!”
Your gift makes an impact
The work we’re doing is in direct response to the needs of our community, the needs of our neighbors, and the long-term vitality of the Kearsarge Region.
Every year, donors to the Kearsarge Food Hub provide essential services to our community like:
Supporting thousands of neighbors with food donations when they need a hand putting food on the table
Providing access to local foods produced by over 150 farmers and food vendors for 4000 customers
Running a community FREEdge where folks can access food 24/7, no questions asked — including fresh meals from Sweet Beet Café!
Sending hundreds of thousands of dollars back into the pockets of local food producers every year, keeping those dollars in the local economy
Bringing over 200 unique learners to Sweet Beet Farm for hands-on learning about food, farms, and nature
And so much more!