Abenaki Seeds Project
Providing free seeds and starts to any home gardener who is eager to grow a Three Sisters Garden and donating harvests to the Abenaki Helping Abenaki food pantry.
The Abenaki Seeds Project is designed to bring community together to learn about Indigenous growing practices and foodways, while supporting Native American food security in the Kearsarge area.
Abenaki Seeds Project is a collaborative initiative between Abenaki Trails Project, Abenaki Helping Abenaki Food Pantry, Kearsarge Food Hub, Hopkinton Historical Society, and Colby Sawyer College.

The Abenaki Seeds Project distributes thousands of seeds and starts to dozens of home and community gardens each year.
This in turn yields hundreds of pounds of squash, dried beans, and corn for the Abenaki Helping Abenaki Food Pantry.
Grow a Three Sisters Garden for your family or give back by donating your bounty to the Abenaki Helping Abenaki Food Pantry.
How to grow a Three Sisters Garden
Learn how to plant a combination of corns, beans, and squash, representative of Native American agricultural tradition.