Community FREEdge

Kearsarge Food Hub operates a Community “FREEdge” (a free fridge/pantry) on the porch of Sweet Beet Market & Café — providing 24/7, no-questions-asked food access for our community.

Working closely with the Bradford Food Pantry, we ensure that the FREEdge is stocked with what our neighbors need, providing fresh produce, groceries, and prepared meals from Sweet Beet Café.

We also work with Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners (KNP) to maintain a free wood pile in the cold months, and provide free seeds and seedlings during the growing season.

Neighbors have come to rely on the FREEdge as a resource to turn to in times of need. The use of the FREEdge is on the rise and it is emptied each time it is filled.

Community FREEdges are popping up all around the country to support folks who need a hand putting food on the table.

Thank you to our Community FREEdge Sponsors!

Support this vital work today.